Reimagining the past, repurposing the present, designing the future.

SpringFarm had lay derelict for years after the previous owners could not any use for the site. The proposal was to develop the farm into three seperate dwellings; aiming to strike a balance between functionality and character. Due to it's listed status, the client wanted to encapsulate the feeling the development could provide.

Creating the site in Revit provided a grounding in the software; giving me the opportunity to explore BIM and it's benefits. The output consisted of several images, a walk-through video in addition to an exe file which the client could use to explore the building on their personal computer.

Capturing the feeling was key

When directing the visuals, the importance of the weather and sky was considered. The ambience offered by these elements help drive the overall emotion, and feeling of the scene. My approach focused on using these elements to add drama, and assist with the storytelling.

Experience the feeling

When directing the visuals, the importance of the weather and sky was considered. The ambience offered by these elements help drive the overall emotion, and feeling of the scene. My approach focused on using these elements to add drama, and assist with the storytelling.

Music provided by Niwel- Little Things.

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